Don’t miss TNWAC’s SUPER Tuesday Webinars — Global News Review with Dick, Breck and Pat with Guests Dr. Susan Haynes and Ambassador Cindy Courville at 2pm CT and “Global Dialogue” — US-China Relations with Admiral Bill Owens at 7pm CT
Weekly Listing of Digital Programs
Presented by the network of World Affairs Councils of America
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- Tennessee World Affairs Council and International Relations Council (Kansas City) host Admiral (ret.) William Owens, Executive Chairman of Red Bison Advisory Group, to discuss his book, U.S.-China 2039: The Endgame?: Building Trust Over Future Decades.
- Los Angeles World Affairs Council & Town Hall and World Affairs Council of Orange County host Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) for “A Conversation With U.S. Senator Tim Scott.”
- Upstate International hosts Ambassador (ret.) Robert Blake, Senior Director at McLarty Associates, for “International Supply Chain Updates.”
- World Affairs Council of South Texas hosts Barbara Canales, Nueces County Judge, for a webinar event.
- Tennessee World Affairs Council hosts Professor Susan Haynes, Lipscomb University, and Ambassador (ret.) Cindy Courville, former U.S. Ambassador to the African Union, for “Global News Review.”
- World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth hosts Andrew Coleman, photographer for National Geographic, for “Behind the Lens.”
- International Relations Council (Kansas City) hosts Kevin Willmott, Co-Author of Da 5 Bloods, for “Da 5 Bloods.”
- WorldBoston hosts a panel of experts for “Innovation Ecosystems: Disrupting the Education Space.”
- World Affairs Council of Atlanta hosts The Hon. Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Secretary of State, for “Georgia Elections.”
- World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth and World Affairs Council of Orange County host Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania, for “Which Country Has the World’s Best Health Care?“
- World Affairs Council of Connecticut hosts Ambassador (ret.) Huang Ping, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, for “A Conversation With Ambassador Huang Ping.”
- World Affairs Council of Philadelphia hosts William Hite, Superintendent of the Philadelphia School District, for “Will 2020 Be the Year We Rethink Education Policy?”
- World Affairs Council of Greater Houston hosts Joel Hellman, Dean of the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, for “Inspiring the Next Foreign Service Generation.”
- World Affairs Council of Maine hosts Julie Nye, Senior Consultant at MetLife, for “Great Decisions #6: U.S. Relations With the Northern Triangle.”
- World Affairs Council of Greater Reading hosts Lawrence Cohen, former U.S. Diplomat, for “The State of the State Department.”
- WorldOregon hosts a panel of experts for “Medical Teams International: Connecting the Local to the Global in a Time of Crisis.”
- World Affairs Council of San Antonio hosts a panel of experts for “Factoraje Para el Transporte, Logística y Proyectos Internacionales.”
- World Affairs Council of Charlotte hosts H.E. Dirk Wouters, Ambassador of Belgium to the U.S., for “Belgium, Europe, and the United States During COVID-19.”
- Santa Fe Council on International Relations hosts General (ret.) Walter Gaskin, former Deputy Chairman of NATO’s Military Committee, and Rear Admiral (ret.) Janice Hamby, Chair of the Classified Business Oversight Committee at Cubic Corporation, for “A Perilous New World Amid Divisions at Home: The U.S. Military Confronts the Future.”
- World Affairs Council of Greater Houston hosts David Firestein, Inaugural President and CEO of the George H. W. Bush Foundation for U.S.-China Relations, for “The Complexity of the U.S.-China Relations.”
- Colorado Foothills World Affairs Council hosts Robert Muggah, Co-Founder of the Igarapé Institute, and Andrés Schipani, Brazil Correspondent for the Financial Times of London, for “Brazil Today and in the Future.”
- World Affairs Council of Sonoma County hosts Lisa Frydman, Vice President for International Programs at Kids in Need of Defense, for “The Central American Child Migration Crisis: A Test of Our Legal and Moral Obligations.”
- World Affairs Council of Jacksonville hosts Ambassador (ret.) Marilyn McAfee, member of the University of North Florida Foundation Board, for “The U.S. and China: Competition, Cooperation, or Confrontation?”
- Los Angeles World Affairs Council & Town Hall hosts Professor Dan Schnur, University of Southern California, for “Politics in the Time of Coronavirus.”
- World Affairs Council of Monterey Bay hosts Associate Professor Philipp Bleek, Middlebury Institute of International Studies, for “Helping People Help Themselves: How Prepared Were Governments to Meet COVID-19 Related Expectations of Their Constituents?”
- WorldDenver hosts Scott Smith, Diplomat in Residence for the Rocky Mountain Region, for “Virtual Fireside Chat.”
- Indiana Council on World Affairs hosts a panel of experts for “Great Decisions: Climate Change.”
- Global Minnesota hosts a panel of experts for “Global Citizenship: Whole World Sensibilities and Responsibilities in the Time of COVID-19.”
- Santa Fe Council on International Relations hosts author Neill McKee to discuss his book, Finding Myself in Borneo.
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THE MISSION of the nonprofit, nonpartisan Tennessee World Affairs Council is to promote international awareness, understanding and connections to enhance the region’s global stature and to prepare Tennesseans to thrive in our increasingly complex and connected world.
THE VISION of the Tennessee World Affairs Council is a well-informed community that thinks critically about the world and the impact of global events.
Learn more about the Council and find how you can join, donate and volunteer at: —
Copyright 2020
Tennessee World Affairs Council
Fidelity Hall 304A, Belmont University
1900 Belmont Blvd., Nashville, TN 37212