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What’s at stake?
“As this war moves into its second full winter, policymakers worldwide should acknowledge the unavoidable reality that the outcome in Ukraine will significantly determine whether our children’s and grandchildren’s world will be governed by laws or by callous violence. This obligates us to humility and gratitude for the Ukrainian people’s extraordinary sacrifices to defend justice, liberty, and laws. A line in their national anthem evokes it: “Soul and body we will lay down for our freedom,” Ukrainians sing. More viscerally and visibly, millions of Ukrainians demonstrate it daily, much as determined Britons did under the savage assault of Nazi bombs and missiles during World War II.
So, amid our many debates worldwide over details of policies and postures around this wretched war, we must recognize our debt to Ukrainians for their defense of our freedoms as well as their own.”
— Ambassador William Taylor
Ukraine: The Next 10 Months Can Shape Hopes for Peace | United States Institute of Peace

Ambassador William B. Taylor
Vice President, Russia and Europe, U.S. Institute of Peace
Former United States Ambassador to Ukraine
About Ambassador William B. Taylor
Ambassador William B. Taylor is vice president, Europe and Russia at the U.S. Institute of Peace. In 2019, he served as chargé d’affaires at the U.S. embassy in Kyiv and as the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine from 2006 to 2009. During the Arab Spring, he oversaw U.S. assistance and support to Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria. He served in Jerusalem as the U.S. government’s representative to the Mideast Quartet. He served in Kabul in 2002 and in Baghdad in 2004.
In the 1990s, Ambassador Taylor coordinated U.S. assistance to the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. He earlier served on the staff of Senator Bill Bradley.
Ambassador Taylor is a graduate of West Point and Harvard’s Kennedy School and served as an infantry platoon leader and combat company commander in the U.S. Army in Vietnam and Germany.
THE MISSION of the nonprofit, nonpartisan Tennessee World Affairs Council is to promote international awareness, understanding and connections to enhance the region’s global stature and to prepare Tennesseans to thrive in our increasingly complex and connected world.
THE VISION of the Tennessee World Affairs Council is a well-informed community that thinks critically about the world and the impact of global events.