2022 World Affairs Council of the Year
Network of Independent World Affairs Councils of America

“What in the World?” Quiz – Answers/Winner – Week of Jan 4, 2016

“What in the World” Quiz – Answers & Winner

Congratulations to this week’s “What in the World” quiz winners who will be entered in a drawing for a prize at the end of the month.

Basic RGB

Week of January 4th Winner

David Hillinck

Thanks to everyone who played the quiz. We had participants from across the country and around the world.  Our thanks to Katherine in Switzerland who took the quiz, so that we can now call our quiz “World Famous?”

Good luck next week to all.

Well done!

Monthly Prize Drawing/Announcement following the January 25th week quiz.

January “What in the World?” Quiz Prize


Hero of the Crossing: How Anwar Sadat and

the 1973 War Changed the World

Thomas Lippman

Published January 2016

1lippman1“Tom Lippman has provided the foundation for understanding what is happening [in the Middle East] today from the rise of ISIS to the collapse of the Arab Spring. And as an added benefit it is a good read for expert and novice alike.”—Edward S. Walker, former U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates

Thomas Lippman was a featured speaker at WACA’s 2015 National Conference. He is an adjunct scholar at the Middle East Institute, specializing in Saudi Arabian affairs, U.S.- Saudi relations, and relations between the West and Islam. He is a former Middle East bureau chief for The Washington Post, and author of numerous articles and books.

Mr. Lippman is this month’s “Cover to Cover” author and you can talk with him on Monday, January 11th in a teleconference organized by the World Affairs Councils of America. As a member council we’re pleased to share this opportunity with you. Check here for details.

Monday, January 11th at 1:00-1:30 p.m.

Dial In Information for participants:

Please dial in shortly before 1 p.m. CST, as the prompts can take a minute or two:

Access Number: 1-218-895-7963  |  Passcode 2015#

You can also meet Mr. Lippman this April when he is in Nashville, hosted by the Tennessee World Affairs Council’s Distinguished Visiting Speaker Program. Stay connected through our newsletter and social media for schedule and venue information.


Check for the answers below. How did you do?

“What in the World” Quiz – Week of January 4, 2016

1. Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic relations with Iran on January 3rd after its embassy in Tehran was sacked by protestors who were responding to:

A. American aircraft based in Saudi Arabia violated Iranian airspace.
B. Saudi Arabia executed a prominent Shi’ite cleric.
C. Saudi Arabia announced a ban on Iranian pilgrims at the upcoming Hajj to Mecca.
D. Saudi Arabia expelled the Iranian ambassador for encouraging unrest.


2. 2016 is the “Year of the Pulses” according to:

A. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
B. World Meteorological Organization (WHO)
C. International Association of Seismology and Vulcanology (IASV)
D. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAOUN)

3. This is the country where President Zuma could be replaced in 2016 as leader of the ANC party over allegations of corruption.

A. Burundi
B. South Africa
C. Zimbabwe
D. Kenya


4. Despite reaching an agreement over nuclear weapons development the United States and Iran remain at odds, including the prospect of new American-led sanctions against Tehran in response to:

A. Burning the Saudi embassy in Tehran
B. Missile tests
C. Illegal detention of American citizens
D. Illegal oil sales


5. Fears of terrorist attacks led to cancellation of New Year’s Eve fireworks celebrations in these cities:

A. Paris and Brussels
B. Paris and London
C. Brussels and Berlin
D. Berlin and Paris


6. An Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia and supported by the United States has been battling Houthi rebels in Yemen since March 2015. The Houthis are fighting alongside this former Yemeni President:

A. Ali Abdullah Saleh
B. Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi
C. Haider al-Abadi
D. Salman bin Abdulaziz


7. This next host of the Olympic Games will not have much else to celebrate in 2016 with expectations that the economy will shrink for the second year in a row, unemployment will top 10%, inflation will remain above the targeted 4.5% and a bribery probe will continue to plague the ruling Workers’ Party.

A. Thailand
B. Kazakhstan
C. Brazil
D. Argentina


8. Former Vice President Mondale wrote an op-ed in the NY Times calling for thawing frozen ambassadorial nominations that are being held up by the Senate. In particular he urged approval of Roberta Jacobson to be ambassador to this important Western Hemisphere country, a nomination being held up by Senator Marco Rubio after Jacobson, as an assistant secretary of state helped negotiate the thaw in US-Cuban relations.

A. Argentina
B. Colombia
C. Mexico
D. Venezuela


9. Last week a Russian ship left Iran with over 25,000 pounds of low-enriched uranium, all of Iran’s nuclear material enriched to the 20 percent level, as part of this international provision:

A. Iranian Comprehensive Nuclear Disarmament Agreement
B. P5+1/Iran Joint Nuclear Arms Limitation Treaty
C. Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
D. UN Security Council Resolution 357


10. The Iraqi government announced last week its forces had retaken key sections of this city lost to Islamic State (ISIS) in May. The offensive was supported by an American-led international coalition.

A. Ramadi
B. Mosul
C. Tikrit
D. Basra



Check your global affairs awareness every week with ten questions taken from news reports over the previous week. In addition to reporting in a variety of sources we highlight them on Twitter — @TNWAC #tnwacquiz. Follow us @TNWAC to keep up with global developments and Council events.

To get in on the quiz make sure you’re getting TNWAC emails (here’s the free subscription link: http://eepurl.com/gt6dn) and make sure you’re following @TNWAC on Twitter.


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The Tennessee World Affairs Council is a nonprofit (501c3), nonpartisan educational charity based in Nashville that works to build understanding of global issues in our communities. Learn more about the Council and find how you can join, donate and volunteer at: www.TNWAC.org  — Join / Donate / Volunteer

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