2022 World Affairs Council of the Year
Network of Independent World Affairs Councils of America

This Week

TNWAC This Week

March 30, 2021

Dear Members and Friends:

Tennesseans are again picking up the pieces from the latest catastrophe to strike the Nashville area. Just as we were observing the first anniversary of the Super Tuesday tornado and the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic the clouds opened up and dropped record rains that flooded creeks and rivers. We lost four of our neighbors and witnessed much damage to the community. Our hearts go out to the families of those who perished and our thanks go out to our first responders who made scores of water rescues and provided aid to the affected.

We also have thanks to share with the many people who made last week’s International Career Panels possible. Foremost is Professor Susan Haynes, the director of our Career Panel program over the years. She assembled an all-star panel of “Women in International Law,” that featured distinguished legal professionals from four countries. [Video Here] Thanks to Vicki Prais and Clàudia Baró Huelmo in London; Tina Burjarliani in Tbilisi, Georgia; and Ioana Bara-Busila in Strasbourg.

We are also thankful to U.S. Foreign Service Officer Allen DuBose, Diplomat in Residence for this region. Allen gave a comprehensive overview of the Foreign Service, what it takes to become an American diplomat and what service abroad representing the United States is like. [Video Here]

Those two archived programs remind us that you should know about our YouTube.com/TNWAC channel and SoundCloud.com/TNWAC venues for video and Podcast recordings (anywhere you can access the “Global Tennessee” Pods) available for your review. There are over 90 Podcasts and videos from the last year of Webinars. My favorites are the series of Election 2020 panels and interviews that covered all of the topics we should understand. In particular I recommend the two presentations on “America’s Place in the World,” one with Ambassador Thomas Pickering, and Ambassador John Kornblum and the second with Brookings President Gen. John Allen and former Carnegie Endowment for International Peace President Dr. Jessica Matthews. Terrific conversations hosted by Professor Thomas Schwartz, Professor of History at Vanderbilt University. [Find them here]

We hope you’ve enjoyed and learned from the large body of work over the last year.  This week we’re calling on you to help us as we plan for future programs. We’ve posted a PROGRAM SURVEY and ask that you take five minutes to share your insights on what’s the right topic, in the right format, at the right time, and more. Thanks in advance for taking the survey and good luck in winning one of the door prizes for participating. [Take the survey]

Lastly, an observation. In the series of “This Week” newsletters you’ve seen a surge in program offerings from other organizations in our World Affairs Councils network. You should know that your Council is a dues-paying member of this network. While we’re an independent, nonpartisan association we work closely with our sister councils to bring you the best possible programs on global affairs. Please take advantage of our association and make good use of these opportunities. Below you’ll find scores of excellent events with numerous distinguished speakers and specialists. We welcome your feedback about your experiences with our network and the programs it delivers. 

Thanks again for everyone who supports the work of the World Affairs Council. 

Wishes for a safe and prosperous week ahead.





Patrick W. Ryan
Founding President, TNWAC



Your World Affairs Council is taking a look at the programs we produce for you and our community to inform people about the world, challenges to the United States, and global issues of security and prosperity that affect all Americans. To make sure we’re presenting the right programs with the right speakers at the right times and in the right formats we need you to give us your input on our programs. So, we’d like you to complete our Spring 2021 Program Survey. It will take you 3-5 minutes to share your ideas with us. [Take the survey]


Global Foresight weaves together the critical geopolitical issues, macro trends, and paradigm-shifting revolutions likely to occur in the next 30 years that leaders in government, business, and civil society must prepare for today. The program equips participants with the tools to spot emerging trends and explore future uncertainty while addressing how the overall international system may cope with future crises. [Info]



Tuesday 3/30
World Affairs Council of Tacoma hosts Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland for “A Conversation With Marilyn Strickland.”
World Affairs Council Dallas/Fort Worth hosts General Jim Mattis, former Secretary of Defense, for “International Educator of the Year Award: A Conversation with Jim Mattis.”
World Affairs Council Monterey Bay hosts Frank Hawke, former China Director at Stanford University, for “China’s Development Model: Is it Sustainable?
World Affairs Council of Pittsburgh hosts Lina AbiRafeh, Executive Director of the Arab Institute for Women, for “International Women’s Rights in the Arab Region.”
Montana Council on World Affairs hosts Caitlin Reiger, Australian human rights lawyer, and Georgia Cromarty, Policy Team at the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria, Australia, for ““Yoo-rrook” – Australia’s First Truth Commission.”
World Affairs Council of San Antonio hosts Claudia Donoso, St. Mary’s University, for “Sex & World Peace.”
International Relations Committee (Kansas City) hosts Joy Stevenson, Senior Internationalization Officer, University of Missouri-Kansas City, for “And Breath Normally.”
Alabama World Affairs Council hosts Sue Miller, Team Lead at Dexis Consulting Group, for “The Peace Corps at Sixty.”
Santa Fe Council on International Relations hosts Todd Greentree for “The Korean Peninsula.”
World Affairs Council of Maine hosts Clifford Gilpin, former President of the World Affairs Council of Maine, for “The End of Globalization?
WorldOregon hosts their “WideWorld Virtual Trivia.”
Wednesday 3/31
World Affairs Council of Inland Southern California hosts Taroub Faramond, President of Women Influencing Health, Education, and Rule of Law, for “U.S. Soft Power in Foreign Policy Series.”
World Affairs Council of Greater Reading hosts Ambassador (ret.) Charles Ray, member of the Board of Trustees at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, for “Does Africa Matter to the United States.”
World Affairs Council of Connecticut hosts Yaya Fanusie, Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, for “China’s Digital Currency.”
Vermont Council on World Affairs hosts Professor Robbie Shilliam, Johns Hopkins University, for “Fascism and 21st Century Democracy: A Rastafari Perspective.”
Los Angeles World Affairs Council & Town Hall hosts Jonathan Ward, Consultant and China Expert, and Jack Devine, former Acting Deputy Director of the CIA, for “Russia and China: Preparing America for Our Greatest Challenge.”
World Affairs (Northern California) hosts Henry De Sio, former Deputy Assistant to the President in the Obama White House, to discuss his book Changemaker Playbook.
The Foreign Policy Association hosts Professor Jeffrey S. Morton, Florida Atlantic University, for “Great Decisions Master Class: The End of Globalization?
Thursday 4/1 
World Affairs Council of Orange County hosts Ambassador Scot Marciel, former U.S. Ambassador to Myanmar, for “Myanmar Coup: Democracy Under Threat.”
World Affairs Council of Houston hosts former military officers and authors Admiral James Stavridis and Elliot Ackerman to discuss their book 2034: A Novel of the Next World War.
Los Angeles World Affairs Council & Town Hall hosts Kevin Goetz, CEO of Screen Engine/ASI, and Pete Hammond, Deadline Awards Columnist, for “The Impact of COVID-19 on Moviegoing.”
World Affairs Council of Charlotte hosts Sarah Dawn Petrin, Analyst at the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute, to discuss her new book Bring Rain: Helping Humanity in Crisis.
International Relations Council hosts Steven Youngblood, Founding Director of the Center for Global Peace Journalism, Park University, for “News and Views: Conflict in East Africa.”
Friday 4/2
Peoria Area World Affairs Council hosts Professor Mark Steinberg, UIUC, for “Russian Utopia: A Century of Revolutionary Possibilities.”
Thank you for your support of global affairs awareness and education!



THE MISSION of the nonprofit, nonpartisan Tennessee World Affairs Council is to promote international awareness, understanding and connections to enhance the region’s global stature and to prepare Tennesseans to thrive in our increasingly complex and connected world.

THE VISION of  the Tennessee World Affairs Council is a well-informed community that thinks critically about the world and the impact of global events.