TNWAC This Week October 12, 2021 Dear Members and Friends: Thirteen million Venezuelans are about to arrive in American cities to be absorbed as refugees from a failing authoritarian nation. What would the social and political implications be? That’s what has happened, proportionally, in Colombia. The nation of 50 million is taking in two million...Read More
TNWAC This Week September 28, 2021 Dear Members and Friends: The international scene continues to fascinate those who try to keep up with global developments and issues. This week we are getting to see the inner workings of national security decision making from our top generals and the Defense Secretary, before Congress. There was even...Read More
TNWAC This Week September 21, 2021 Dear Members and Friends: The world turns its eyes to mid-town Manhattan and the headquarters of the United Nations this week for the opening of the General Assembly and remarks from world leaders including President Joe Biden. Yesterday Biden met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres who said, “The...Read More
TNWAC This Week September 8, 2021 Dear Members and Friends: This week allow me to share with you the reflections on our times from Bill Clifford, the President of the World Affairs Councils of America, the organization that supports and stitches together the works of the over 90 independent councils like TNWAC across America, from...Read More
TNWAC This Week August 31, 2021 Dear Members and Friends: “America exits Afghanistan,” proclaimed the Washington Post’s front page. Over at the New York Times it was, “U.S. Forces Leave Afghanistan; Evacuation Ends.” So, it’s over. The “forever war” on terrorism in Afghanistan and attempt to build a government and modernize a society lasted six...Read More
College Students Apply Today Student Scholarships Available for World Affairs Councils of America’s (WACA) 2021 National Conference November 16-19 The Tennessee World Affairs Council, as a member of the 90+ council network of WACA, is pleased to announce a scholarship program for undergraduates in Tennessee to participate in the annual conference. WACA National Conference The...Read More
TNWAC This Week August 24, 2021 Dear Members and Friends: Let me open with a note of sadness and hope for our friends in the Waverly, Tennessee community. This week’s flash flood has taken many lives and caused catastrophic physical damage to the area. We appreciate all the “Volunteers” who have flocked to the area...Read More
TNWAC This Week August 17, 2021 Dear Members and Friends: “What is the situation right now?” That was the rhetorical question Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Annie Pforzheimer shared with our Dr. Breck Walker when describing America’s challenge in Afghanistan for our Election 2020 series last fall [here]. “There is rampant corruption. That weakens the...Read More
College Students Apply Today Student Scholarships Available for World Affairs Councils of America’s (WACA) 2021 National Conference November 16-19 The Tennessee World Affairs Council, as a member of the 90+ council network of WACA, is pleased to announce a scholarship program for undergraduates in Tennessee to participate in the annual conference. WACA National Conference The...Read More
TNWAC This Week July 28, 2021 Dear Members and Friends: There’s a meeting of the TNWAC Board of Directors today. These community leaders have joined the effort to promote global literacy, recognizing the importance it plays in the civic life of our cities, regions and the State of Tennessee. I’d like to thank and recognize...Read More