Apply by September 25th for the undergrad scholarship to the National Conference of the World Affairs Councils of America. Read this student testimonial for more information.Read More
TNWAC is pleased to provide transcripts from the 2014 World Affairs Councils of America National Conference in Washington, DC. The opening keynote remarks from Dr. Vali Nasr, moderated by Amb Paula Dobriansky set the scene for two days of symposia addressing "America and the World."Read More
The “Arab Spring” and the challenge it presents to American foreign policy and interests across North Africa and the Near East has raised new and complicated questions jumping out of the headlines. There could be no timelier topic for us to discuss than the tension between America and the Arab and Islamic worlds. We seek...Read More
Join us for a special presentation of the Council's Distinguished Visiting Speaker Program on November 13th. -- The “Arab Spring” and the challenge it presents to American foreign policy and interests across North Africa and the Near East has raised new and complicated questions jumping out of the headlines. There could be no timelier topic...Read More
ATTENTION TEACHERS: The World Affairs Councils of America has arranged a conference call for TN WAC to share with our schools, other interested organizations and TN WAC members. Contact TN WAC for more information and to sign up for this conference call opportunity. Inside Egypt: The Path Forward with Mohamed Younis, Gallup Senior Analyst Monday,...Read More
EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Middle East expert Thomas Lippman will speak at Belmont University on Monday, November 7 at 6:30 in a symposium open to the public. Lippman is an author, scholar and commentator on Middle East affairs and will explore the challenges for American foreign policy in the region focusing on Saudi Arabia in 2011 "From...Read More
The Tennessee World Affairs Council will present events – civic organization and school visits and public forums – on the stunning developments in Saudi Arabia featuring scholar, author and journalist Thomas Lippman across Middle Tennessee from November 7-9, 2011.Read More
The Tennessee World Affairs Council is pleased to play a part in a forum addressing the unrest and revolt sweeping the Arab world. On Wednesday, April 6, from 7-9pm, a panel at Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville will tackle the questions with a central focus on the Egyptian experience in the "Arab Spring."Read More