The Tennessee World Affairs Council joins our fellow Americans in remembering the fiendish attacks that were delivered against our homeland 14 years ago this morning and memorializing those who were lost. The passing of time does not reduce the lasting shock and horror we witnessed that clear, crisp September day. We again express our sympathy to those who lost loved ones on 9/11 and our appreciation for the sacrifices of those who responded.
On this day of painful memories we also reflect on the consequences of 9/11 especially the service of hundreds of thousands of Americans in uniform who sought to bring justice to the men who attacked the country and to make the United States safe from the scourge of terrorism.
Fourteen years ago no one would have predicted that one of the consequences of those attacks would be America’s longest war, the campaign in Afghanistan, to go after the perpetrators of the attacks and their protectors, and to stabilize that country to prevent it from becoming a terrorist haven again.
Operation “Enduring Freedom” (Oct 2001-Dec 2014) launched coalition operations in Afghanistan and elsewhere to combat global terrorism. Last year the U.S. military continued its presence in Afghanistan under the banner of Operation “Freedom’s Sentinel” as counterterrorism operations shifted to a support role. Americans continue to serve there in harms way.
On the occasion of this anniversary we remind our members, friends of the Council and members of the community that we will host a town hall program about Afghanistan and America’s role there on Monday evening at Belmont University.
We are pleased to have Lt.General Keith M. Huber, US Army Retired, as our speaker who will talk about, “Afghanistan in Context: Understanding Where We Are and What’s Ahead for the United States.” General Huber’s 38 years of commissioned service include two years as Commanding General of the Joint Task Force responsible for detention operations in Afghanistan.
The Tennessee World Affairs Council in association with Belmont University is pleased to serve as a platform for General Huber to share his experiences and expertise with the community on this critical topic.
Program Details:
- “Afghanistan in Context: Understanding Where We Are and What’s Ahead for the United States.”
- LtGeneral Keith M. Huber, US Army (Retired)
- Monday, September 14 – 6:30-7:30 p.m.
- Massey Boardroom, Jack C. Massey Business Center, Belmont University
- Parking in North Garage
- Program is free and open to the public. Please RSVP/Register HERE.
- More information at link HERE.
Reference: A current, comprehensive report on “Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy” (August 2015) from the Congressional Research Service provides an excellent update on the situation. It can be accessed on the web site. (
For more information refer to the Tennessee World Affairs Council Web site (
This public affairs event is part of the Tennessee World Affairs Council’s education programs to support interest in our community to know more about the world and America’s global challenges. It is provided in association with Belmont University.
Presented by the Tennessee World Affairs Council ( and Belmont University Interdisciplinary Studies and Global Education.
The Tennessee World Affairs Council is a nonprofit (501c3), nonpartisan educational charity based in Nashville that works to build understanding of global issues in our communities. Learn more about the Council and find how you can join, donate and volunteer at: — Join / Donate / Volunteer