Among the regular programs presented by the Tennessee World Affairs Council are opportunities to connect specialists from a broad spectrum of global affairs occupations with people, especially students, who want to know more about jobs and careers in the international arena.
We invite students — high schools and colleges from around town and across the region — and the general public to join us for these panels which are offered twice a year. Here are details of the next program featuring conversations about working in global affairs. Link here for the archive from our last international careers panel, including a video of the complete event.
The Tennessee World Affairs Council
and Lipscomb University
present a panel on
International Jobs & Careers
Hosted by Lipscomb University
April 11, 2016
5:30-7:30 pm
Ambassador Charles Bowers, US Foreign Service (Retired), former Ambassador to Bolivia
Mr. Andrew Collier, Nashville Export Assistance Center, U.S. Department of Commerce
Mr. Thomas W. Lippman, Author, Scholar, Journalist, International Correspondent
Ms. Mariska Van Delft, Dutch Criminal Defense Lawyer (Legal Consultant for the Defense at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) and Human Rights Officer for the European Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX))
Ambassador Ronald Schlicher, US Foreign Service (Retired), former Deputy Secretary of State, former Ambassador to Cyprus
Ms. Amanda Frick, Former U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer, Peru
Ms. Acquania Escarne, US Foreign Service; Recruiter/Outreach Officer, State Dept.
General John Bradley, former Chief of USAF Reserve, founder The Lamia Afghan Foundation
Lipscomb University
Ezell Center, Room 363
This event is free and open to the public. We encourage students from all schools and colleges to attend to learn more about the opportunities to work in a variety of occupations in global affairs, including diplomacy, business, military and international service.
Space is limited – It is important for you to RSVP (Link Here)
Moderator – Ambassador Charles Bowers
Career diplomat; former US Ambassador to Bolivia
Ambassador Charles R. Bowers, USFS (Ret) – Charles Richard (Dick) Bowers served as the United States Ambassador to Bolivia from 1991 through 1994. During that time, the American Embassy in Bolivia’s capital, La Paz, was the largest and most complex U.S. embassy in South America. Ambassador Bowers is a member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee World Affairs Councils and the Board of Directors of the United Nations Association Nashville Chapter. He is a former District Governor of the Rotary International District that covers half of Tennessee. [MORE]
Ambassador Ronald Schlicher
Career diplomat; former US Ambassador to Cyprus; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
Ambassador Ronald Schlicher, USFS (Ret) – Served as Principal Deputy Assistant Coordinator of Counterterrorism and served as U.S. Ambassador to Cyprus (2005-2008). Ambassador Schlicher served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs (NEA), where he served as Coordinator for Iraq. During the 2003 war with Iraq, Ambassador Schlicher was Director of the Iraq Task Force. He then served for six months in Iraq with the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), first as Regional Coordinator for the North and then as Director of the Office of Provincial Outreach. [MORE]
Mr. Thomas W. Lippman
Scholar; author; columnist; career foreign affairs correspondent
Thomas W. Lippman is an award-winning author and journalist who has written about Middle Eastern affairs and American foreign policy for more than three decades, specializing in Saudi Arabian affairs, U.S.- Saudi relations, and relations between the West and Islam. He is a former Middle East bureau chief of the Washington Post, and also served as that newspaper’s oil and energy reporter. Throughout the 1990s, he covered foreign policy and national security for the Post, traveling frequently to Saudi Arabia and other countries in the Middle East. In 2003 he was the principal writer on the war in Iraq for Prior to his work in the Middle East, he covered the Vietnam war as the Washington Post’s bureau chief in Saigon.
Ms. Acquania Escarne
American Diplomat; current US Foreign Service Officer (Recruiter and Outreach Officer, State Dept.); service at US embassies in Ecuador and Haiti and US consulate in Dubai.
Excerpt from Ms. Escarne’s Blog post
I am a product of the U.S. Department of State’s diversity recruitment and I represent America. While I have served at State for several years now, my story began much earlier when my 7th grade geography teacher first inspired me to travel. That year I sold candy so I could afford the school trip to Spain. My newfound passion for international affairs eventually led me to Washington, D.C., where the heart of policy beats daily. As a freshman and sophomore in college, I worked two jobs and continued to apply to scholarships to help me pay for my education. Finally, fate and a friend led me to apply for the Thomas R. Pickering Fellowship in 2003. Prior to learning about this fellowship I had no idea about the Foreign Service or that this career was within my reach as a young African American girl from Georgia. At just 19 years old, I made one of the most important decisions of my life: accepting a fellowship that paid for my education as well as providing me a future career. – See more at:
Mr. Andy Collier
International Commercial Affairs; Trade Specialist
Andy Collier – US Export Assistance Center, Nashville – Andy is currently working in the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), Nashville Export Assistance Center, where he helps Central Tennessee companies grow their business through exporting. Previously, Andy was Project Manager in the DOC Energy Division, responsible for helping U.S. energy companies compete for international energy projects. His first assignment was being in charge of all student programs (the most fun he ever had in a job). Previously he spent 14 years in Human Resources, which included three years as Supervisor of Recruiting for Dominion Resources. He has a BS in Business Economics from Chapman University.
Ms. Amanda Frick
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer – Peru 2005-2007
Homeownership Sustainability Director – Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville
Amanda has roots in the rural farmlands of central Missouri and in the mountains of North Carolina. After earning her undergraduate degree in Political Science at North Carolina State University, Amanda served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Celendin, Peru from 2005 to 2007. Her primary projects were in youth development supporting a special needs school and coordinating extracurricular activities for high school students. Upon her return to the U.S., Amanda earned her Master of Public Administration degree from New York University while working as Single Stop Program Director for two Brooklyn-based nonprofits. Amanda relocated to Nashville in 2013 to work with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville where she is currently the Homeownership Sustainability Director. She is Vice President of the Tennessee Returned Peace Corps Volunteers and a proud East Nashville homeowner.
Ms. Mariska Van Delft
International Law; Human Rights Specialist
Mariska van Delft, is a criminal defense lawyer from Amsterdam. She defended her clients before the Dutch criminal courts for five years, after which she moved to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, where she worked as a legal consultant for the defense team of Madame Ieng Thirith, one of the accused at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). She also worked as a human rights officer for the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX).
General John Bradley
Former Commander of the US Air Force Reserve
Founder of The Lamia Afghan Foundation
Lieutenant General John Bradley, USAF (Retired) served in the United States Air Force for 41 years, having served as a fighter pilot in the Vietnam War, flying 337 combat missions, later serving as the Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Reserve Matters, and finally as the Chief of Air Force Reserve and Commander of the Air Force Reserve Command. In retirement, he and his wife Jan founded The Lamia Afghan Foundation, traveling together to Afghanistan seven times, building seven schools for girls there, and providing 3 1/2 million pounds of humanitarian aid to families in Refugee/Internally Displaced Persons camps, orphanages, hospitals, schools, and rural villages.”

and the United States Department of State
The Tennessee World Affairs Council is a nonprofit (501c3), nonpartisan educational charity based in Nashville that works to build understanding of global issues in our communities. Learn more about the Council and find how you can join, donate and volunteer at: