TNWAC This Week
February 15, 2022
Dear Members and Friends:
What’s up this week? A question that doesn’t really need to be asked as the world is watching the start of war in Europe. A Russian invasion of Ukraine, which appears imminent, would upend decades of peace and stability on the continent that propelled two world wars. TNWAC is fortunate that Ambassador John Kornblum, former top US diplomat in Germany, at NATO, at the OSCE, and elsewhere in the foreign service, continues a series of Webinars on the crisis. Today he’ll update us from his vantage point in Berlin.
What else is up? You may have heard your World Affairs Council turns 15 this week. On Valentine’s Day 2007 a handful of citizens launched a grassroots effort to bring programs and resources to our community, especially young people, to inform and inspire a greater appreciation of what’s going on in the world. We invite you to join us on this journey by becoming a sustaining member and making a contribution to TNWAC. Thank you.
What’s up with the Japan-America Society of Tennessee (JAST) public awareness initiative called “Impact: Japanese Business Investment in Tennessee.” You can see the many interviews TNWAC has done on behalf of JAST — videos and transcripts — at our special project page HERE.
What’s up with WorldQuest? We’re readying for the February 27th practice round and the March 27th championship match. The winners will represent TNWAC at the National Championship of WorldQuest in Washington, DC on April 29-30, 2022. Teachers, sign up your students today. Details HERE.
What’s up with “Daily Chatter?” It’s the weekday morning start to your news of the world reading. Stay informed on “critical world shaping events!” You can get “Daily Chatter” for free with your TNWAC membership. Join HERE.
Below you will find many opportunities to learn more about the world. There’s no shortage of topics covered in TNWAC offerings and the programs available to you through our World Affairs Councils of America network.
Wishes for a safe and prosperous week and, as always, thank you for clicking on the “Donate” button.
Patrick W. Ryan
Founding President, TNWAC
Feb 15, Tue, 10am — Global Dialogue Special | Russia’s Threat to Ukraine: The Crisis Unfolds with Amb John Kornblum via Zoom Webinar [Register]
Feb 23, Wed, 10am — Global Dialogue | Post-Olympic China’s Standing in the World with Jeremy Goldkorn in person at Belmont University and via Zoom Webinar [Details/Register]
Feb 27, Sun, 1:00 pm — Academic WorldQuest Practice Match via Zoom [Details]
Mar 27, Sun 1:00 pm — Tennessee Championship Match, Anne Smedinghoff Academic WorldQuest Global Challenge in person at Belmont University [Details]
Mar 30, Wed, 10 am — Global Dialogue | Why Climate Change is a Business Matter with Gary Garfield in person at Belmont University and via Zoom Webinar [Details/Register]
Mar 31, Thu, 6 pm — Distinguished Speaker Series Global Town Hall | America in the Middle East: The Path Ahead with Prof David Des Roches in person at Belmont University [Details/Register]
Apr 1, Fri, 11:30 am — Distinguished Speaker Series Luncheon | Opportunities for America in the Middle East with Prof David Des Roches in person. Venue TBA [Details/Sponsor Info]
May 24-25 Saudi Arabia: Beyond the Headlines | US-Saudi Relations; Commercial Connections; and Saudi Arabia in transition. Day 1 – Tuesday – 11:30-1:30 pm | Day 2 – Wednesday – 11:30-1:00 pm [Details/Sponsor Info]
- All Times US Central Time Zone
Students and teachers, join the WorldQuest competition and participate in the TNWAC Championship Match on March 27th. We have one last practice round on February 27th. Check for details and registration. Here’s this year’s topics:
- Where Climate and Migration Meet
- Afghanistan: End of the 20-Year U.S.-Led Intervention
- A Human-Centered Agenda for the Future of Work
- CDC and the Global Health Agenda
- Technology and Democracy: Threat or Promise?
- Great Decisions
- 21st Century Money: Dollars to Digital Currencies
- Working for Peace Through Legacies of War: The Case of Vietnam
- Insecurity in China’s Neighborhood
- Current Events
The Tennessee World Affairs Council invites you to consider becoming a volunteer. TNWAC programs, development and administration are managed by a small staff. We’re always on the lookout for people who are interested in our mission — bring the world to our fellow citizens — and have an opportunity to share their time and talents. There’s a great need so if you’re interested drop us an email. [[email protected]]
We invite businesses, organizations and individuals to sponsor our programs. It is through your support that we are able to bring quality global affairs programs to the community. Your sponsorship also highlights your commitment to education and global affairs awareness in the community. For information about sponsoring other programs and series of events contact Patrick Ryan, TNWAC President @ 931-261-2353, [email protected]
TNWAC is a member of the 90+ councils network of World Affairs Councils. You are invited to take advantage of our membership and check out these program offerings around the country.
Tuesday, February 22, 2022 | 8-9 AM CT
Link to these programs in Council Highlights below.
- World Affairs Council of Tennessee hosts Amb. (Ret.) John Kornblum, former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, for “Russia’s Threat to Ukraine: The Crisis Unfolds“
- Sarasota World Affairs Council hosts Angela Stent, Director of Eurasian, Russian, and East European Studies at Georgetown University, and Amb. (Ret.) William Taylor, former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, for “Russia and Ukraine: Is There a Way Forward?“
- World Affairs Council of New Jersey hosts Peter Martin, Political Reporter at Bloomberg, for “A Conversation“
- World Affairs Council Upstate hosts Trevor Rubenzer, Professor at University of South Carolina Upstate, for “Chinese Influence in Africa: What Does This Mean for the Rest of the World?“
- World Affairs Council of Western Michigan hosts Sridhar Kota, Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, for “Implications of Industrial Policy on the Manufacturing Sector“
- Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs hosts Ömer Taşpinar, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, for “Turkey, the Middle East, and the West: Deciphering Mutual Misunderstanding” (In Person)
- Colorado Springs World Affairs Council hosts Ray Raymond, former Political Officer in the British Consulate General and Professor at State University of New York, for “Britain, Brexit, and the Future of European Politics” (In Person)
- World Affairs Council of Tacoma hosts Kenney Tran, Peace Corps Volunteer in Colombia, and Jerome Siangco, Peace Corps Volunteer in China, for “Peace Corps: Perspectives and Reflections“
- World Affairs Council of Atlanta hosts Adam Vaught, American diplomat posted in Shanghai, for “Who Wants to Be a Foreign Service Officer?“
- Global Minnesota hosts Okechukwu Ukaga, Assistant Dean at the University of Minnesota, for “Global Book Club: It Is Well“
- World Affairs Council of Greater Hampton Roads hosts Rushan Abbas, Uyghur American activist and advocate, for “My Sister’s Keeper: A Personal Account of the Plight of the Uyghurs in China“
- World Affairs Council of Sonoma County hosts Mark Randol, former Director of Counterterrorism Policy for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, for “Migration and the Upending of the Western Political Order“
- World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth hosts Dan Hunt, President of FC Dallas, for “World Cup 2026: The Dallas Bid and What It Means for Dallas Businesses“
- World Affairs Council of Central Illinois hosts Edem Agamah, President and Founder of International Health and Development Network, Careyana Brenham, Residency Program Director at SIU Family and Community Medicine, and Wendi Wills El-Amin, Associate Dean at Southern Illinois University, for “Global Health“
- Olympia World Affairs Council hosts Seth Weinberger, Professor at the University of Puget Sound, for “Whither the Iran Nuclear Deal?“
- Savannah Council on World Affairs hosts Amb. (Ret.) Daniel Shields, Editorial Advisor to the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, for “The Diplomatic Instrument of Power in the Indo-Pacific: A Former Ambassador’s Perspective“
- World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts hosts Bill Scher, Contributing Editor at POLITICO, for “Edward Stettinius and the Creation of the UN“
- Indiana Council on World Affairs hosts Pierre Atlas, Senior Lecturer at Indiana University, and Kenneth Holland, President Emeritus of the American University of Afghanistan, for “Canada and the United States: So Close, Yet So Different“
- International Affairs Forum hosts Kenneth Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the Albright Stonebridge Group, for “China: Is Détente Possible?“
- World Affairs Councils of Atlanta hosts Amy Zegart, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute, for “Spies, Lies, and Algorithms“
- World Affairs Council of Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky presents “Teacher PD: The Power of Storytelling in Communicating Ideas“
- International Relations Council (Kansas City) presents “News and Views: Human-Centered Agenda to the Future of Work“
- World Affairs Council of Austin presents “Globalist Coffeehouse: Marketing Cinema Across the Globe“
- Colorado Springs World Affairs Council presents “Great Decisions“
- World Affairs Council of Maine presents “Coffee and Discussion” (In Person)
- World Affairs Council Seattle hosts Caitlin Welsh, Director of the Global Food Security Program at CSIS, and Jacob Kurtzer, Director of the Humanitarian Agenda at CSIS, for “Tackling the Global Hunger Crisis“
- WorldOregon hosts Sam Kaplan, Director of the Center of Excellence for Global Trade and Supply Chain Management, for “Great Decisions: Industrial Policy“
- World Affairs Council (Northern California) hosts Rep. Ami Bera, Congressman from California’s Seventh District, for “Countering Threats from Russia and China“
THE MISSION of the nonprofit, nonpartisan Tennessee World Affairs Council is to promote international awareness, understanding and connections to enhance the region’s global stature and to prepare Tennesseans to thrive in our increasingly complex and connected world.
THE VISION of the Tennessee World Affairs Council is a well-informed community that thinks critically about the world and the impact of global events.