The World Affairs Councils of America and the Turkish Cultural Foundation selected the Tennessee World Affairs Council to participate in the 2012 “Spotlight on Turkey” program. This will be TN WAC’s third year as a participant in an incredible opportunity for Tennessee teachers to attend a workshop in the spring, travel to Turkey in the summer and help organize outreach programs in the fall.
The first step will be the teacher workshop. It will be held at Belmont University in Nashville. The Council will have date/time details shortly but it will be in the March-April timeframe. Three teachers from Tennessee will be chosen for the summer study tour to Turkey. Participation in the workshop is a prerequisite to selection for the study tour. The dates for the travel to Turkey will be announced in the spring.
We will have many more details but here is the outline of how the program works:
Phase I is a Teachers’ Workshop on Turkey. These workshops will each offer local teachers the chance to be immersed in Turkish history, culture, art, and more through a series of exhibitions, speakers, publications, and more. Councils are expected to host at least 15 teachers at their workshops.
Phase II is a Study Tour of Turkey. Three teachers from each council will be selected to travel to Turkey, thus furthering their knowledge and experience of its people and culture. A standard application form for the study tour will be provided to councils. Teachers must attend the workshop in order to participate in the study tour.
Phase III is a “Portrait of Turkey” program, which consists of one workshop, program, speakers, and/or cultural event, open to teachers, students, and the general community held in the fall of 2012. Teachers who participated in the Study Tour of Turkey will be expected to participate in this Council event an integral way in order to share the experience with others.
Drop us an email ( [email protected] ) if you are interested in the program — participants and workshop volunteers — and we’ll make sure you get details as soon as they are known.
“Spotlight on Turkey” is a program organized by the Turkish Cultural Foundation and the World Affairs Councils of America.