Global Focus Webcast
America & The World
A Panel Discussion With
Ambassador Charles Bowers
United States Foreign Service, Retired
Angela Weck
Institute of International Studies, Bradley University/Peoria Area World Affairs Council
Susan Haynes
Adjunct Professor, Bethel University
Patrick W. Ryan
Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy Retired
This TNWAC Global Focus Webcast featured a conversation with panelists Amb Dick Bowers, Susan Haynes, Angela Weck and Patrick Ryan talking about current foreign policy challenges and America’s role in the world. The panelists are international affairs specialists and members of World Affairs Councils of America. Here is the video file. A transcript will be published separately. [Run Time: 1:02:44]
Click for video
Ambassador Charles Bowers
Ambassador Charles R. (Dick) Bowers is a Nashville resident who was a career member of the U.S. Foreign Service and served as U.S. Ambassador to Bolivia from 1991 to 1994.
Dick Bowers began his diplomatic career in 1967 and served as a diplomatic officer in American embassies in Panama, Poland, Singapore and Germany. He also served a number of tours of duty in the Department of State in several capacities including as Executive Assistant to the Under Secretary for Management, Executive Director of the Bureau of European Affairs and special assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Following his service as Ambassador, Dick retired from the Foreign Service. The following year, in 1996, he began his next adventures. He hiked the full length of the Appalachian Trail and climbed the highest peaks in all 50 states. Well acquainted by then with America’s natural beauty, Dick chose to make his home in the most stunning area, middle Tennessee. He and his wife Kay have lived in Nashville since 2006.
Source/More: UNA-USA Nashville Cordell Hull Chapter
Also see: Nomination of Charles R. Bowers to be United States Ambassador to Bolivia
Angela Weck
Angela Weck teaches courses on Russia (Imperial Russia and Russian Foreign Policy) at Bradley University’s Institute of International Studies in Peoria, IL. She is also Executive Director of the Peoria Area World Affairs Counciland a member of the Board of Directors of the World Affairs Councils of America. Her research interests include Russian foreign policy and models of collaboration between academic institutions and community organizations.Professor Weck received her B.A. from Iowa State University and holds a Special Certificate from the Moscow Institute of Timber. She received her Masters degree in Russian and East European Area Studies from the University of Minnesota. Angela recently lectured on a Russia cruise forBradley University and will return on a World Affairs Council trip to Russia in 2014.
Susan Haynes
Susan Haynes is a doctorate candidate at George Mason University and currently teaches at Bethel University in Nashville, Tennessee. She has been published in Asian Perspectives (2009), Comparative Strategy (2011), and, most recently, The Ashgate Reader on Chinese Foreign Policy (2012). Her dissertation is on China’s nuclear arms modernization and buildup.
Source/More: Posting in progress
Patrick W. Ryan
Patrick Ryan is the President and founder of Ryan&Associates (Patrick Ryan & Associates, LLC), an editorial consulting firm based in Nashville, Tennessee, specializing in online global affairs information resources, especially developments in the Middle East and Asia. The firm, established in 1999 in Washington, DC, brings together writers, researchers, web design and development specialists and other professionals to deliver customized editorial solutions to an international client list. Among Ryan&Associates’ projects are a family of online resources addressing Middle East affairs including He co-hosts FocusKSA, a regular live, online interview program. Starting in 1973 Mr. Ryan has lived and worked in the Middle East during his military service and business career, and he is a regular traveler to the region. He has contributed to television, radio and print reporting on Middle East affairs. He is a guest newspaper columnist and his writing is featured on his blog,
In 2007 Mr. Ryan organized a group of concerned citizens to launch Tennessee’s first World Affairs Council, to bring global awareness education programs and resources to communities and schools in the state. He is President and Chairman of the Board of the Council, which is based at Belmont University in Nashville. In 2010 he was appointed to the Board of the World Affairs Councils of America, based in Washington, D.C.
Mr. Ryan was born and raised in New York City. At age 17 he enlisted in the U.S. Navy where he served a 26-year career, assigned first in the Persian Gulf in 1973 followed by assignments in the Submarine Service where he attained the rank of Chief Petty Officer. Mr. Ryan received a BA degree at the University of South Carolina, in 1981, majoring in International Studies followed by commissioning in the Navy as an Ensign. Mr. Ryan served aboard numerous ships, headquarters staffs and overseas assignments before retiring in 1998 as a Lieutenant Commander. Among his assignments were the Joint Staff in the Pentagon, the Center for Naval Analyses, and US Central Command headquarters. He has lived and worked in Bahrain, Italy and Japan and has traveled to about 50 countries for work and leisure. In 1997-1998 he was appointed to the Director Central Intelligence Exceptional Intelligence Analyst Program where he conducted independent research and analysis of the emerging “trans-national Sunni terrorist threat in the Arabian Peninsula” later known as Al Qaeda.
Mr. Ryan worked as defense consultant after retiring from the military and before taking the position as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the National Council on US-Arab Relations, a non-profit educational organization in Washington. In 1999 he founded Ryan&Associates, which moved to Tennessee in 2001. The enterprise was formally reestablished as Patrick Ryan & Associates, LLC, in 2009.
Mr. Ryan was President of the Cookeville Breakfast Rotary 2008-2009. He is co-Chair of the Rotary Ghana Project, which provides clean water, school literacy and medical support humanitarian projects to villages in Western Ghana. He was awarded “Rotarian of the Year” for 2009-2010 for his service work in Ghana.
Patrick and Connie Ryan live in the shadow of Printer’s Alley in downtown Nashville, Tennessee.
Global Focus is a Tennessee World Affairs Council flagship program designed to bring distinguished leaders from the United States and around the world into our communities, schools, businesses, organizations and homes through the use of Webcasts.
Global Focus connects thought leaders, decision makers and specialists with live audiences and provides an archive of important conversations for future use.
The Global Focus international affairs Webcast was launched in August 2014 and provides, at least monthly, an opportunity to talk about current developments, long term trends and important topics from across the spectrum. In addition to a regularly scheduled monthly Webcast we will add additional broadcasts as panelist availability and developments in the world dictate. So stay up to date with our calendar.
The Tennessee World Affairs Council wishes to thank the following sponsors for making Global Focus possible.
- Sam & Diane Glasgow of Cookeville, Tennessee
- Ryan & Associates of Nashville, Tennessee
- Belmont University, Center for International Business, Nashville, Tennessee
- of Nashville, Tennessee