2022 World Affairs Council of the Year
Network of Independent World Affairs Councils of America

Membership FAQ

1. What will my expiration date be and how will I be notified?
TNWAC membership is good for 12 months from date of joining or renewing. You will receive an email notification 10 months from the date of your membership purchase.

2. Is my membership tax deductible?
TNWAC is a 501(c)(3) organization. Because the benefits of membership are “intangible”, we believe the membership fee is a tax-deductible contribution. However, it is always best to consult your tax advisor to determine the deductibility of membership.

3. Do my spouse and I have to buy two separate memberships?
Memberships starting at “Family Membership – $140” and above are for you and another person. When you purchase this membership in your name, you are the primary member, and you may designate a second member who resides at the same postal address.