2022 World Affairs Council of the Year
Network of Independent World Affairs Councils of America

Daily Chatter

The “Daily Chatter” Newsletter

The world in your inbox every weekday morning.

  • Presents stories in a way that’s easily and quickly read by students on their phone, tablet, or laptop.
  • Surveys all major, as well as less well-known, high-quality global reporting sources each weekday to offer a unique perspective on the key global issues.
  • Delivers broad geographic coverage, reporting on 154 countries in every region in 2019.
  • Provides students with high-quality original source links, as well as access to archives, so students can dig deeper into the underlying issues.

New members will be sent a link to enroll for their complimentary copy. Contact [email protected] if you are a member and need the link.

“For the most part I feel pummeled by a stream of domestic news that rarely goes beyond the actions of a few members of the government; DailyChatter has, to an extent, broken through that to provide a regular link to the rest of the world.”
– Columbia University Student

“Made me feel more connected with the world.”
– Connecticut College Student

“After the first DailyChatter email I read, I knew this was going to become part of my daily routine.”
– University of Cincinnati Honors Program Student